Calculation tools

Several tools to make calculations more easy.

Calculate days between two dates

Calculate the number of days between two dates. Can be used for calculating the number of days since an important event, how many days alive, or to track the duration of a project.

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Intermitted Fasting Time Calculator

Calculate the hours when the intermittent fasting cycle ends with a simple fasting clock.

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Roman numbers calculator

Convert numbers to roman numerals or the other way around. Enter a number and get the roman numeral version.

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Pace to speed calculator - Min/km to Km/h

Convert running pace from minutes per kilometer to kilometers per hour and vice versa. Ideal for runners, marathoners, and athletes looking to track and improve their running speed.

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Other Tool Categories

Image Edit Tools

Edit and convert your photos online. All tools can batch process all your pictures all at once.

All Images Tools

File Converter Tools

Convert files to different formats and compress files online.

All Files Tools

Ideas and Generators

Generators to help picking your ideas. Great to get inspiration for your next project.

All Ideas Tools

Sprite Sheet Tools

Game development tools for working with spritesheets. Optimize your game size and reduce requests.

All Sprites Tools

Code Formatting Tools

Format your code online. Paste your source code in the editor and make it pretty and readable.

All Format Tools