Roman numbers calculator
Convert numbers to roman numerals or the other way around. Enter a number and get the roman numeral version.
Roman To Number
Number to Roman
Roman Numeral Conversion Table
Use the Roman numeral conversion tables below to accurately convert numbers to Roman notation and vice versa. Calculate your results efficiently and see the correct outcome for your conversions.
Numbers to Roman Numerals Conversion Table
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Frequently Asked Questions
Here are the answers to the questions we get asked the most. If you don't see your question, want more info, or have feedback, please reach out to us.
How to convert a number to Roman numerals?
How can I calculate numbers to Roman numerals myself?
- 2000 (MM)
- 20 (XX)
- 4 (IV)
. To convert Roman numerals to numbers, follow these rules of thumb:
- Add the values of the symbols together.
For example,XI
is10 + 1 = 11
. - Subtract when a smaller numeral comes before a larger one.
For example,IX
is10 - 1 = 9
How can I calculate Roman numerals to numbers myself?
- Add the values of the symbols together.
For example,XI
is10 + 1 = 11
. - Subtract when a smaller numeral comes before a larger one.
For example,IX
is10 - 1 = 9
: M (1000) + M (1000) + X (10) + X (10) + IV (4) = 2024
. What is the largest number in Roman numerals?
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